5 questions for Haris Hadzic, CEO Novoplast AG


Imagine meeting an entrepreneur whose career is a captivating combination of bold decisions, unwavering ambition and a constant striving for further development. This is exactly what our interviewee today, Mr. Hadzic, embodies.

As CEO of Novoplast AG, he is not only an economic strategist, but also a visionary who has created a work culture characterized by progress and innovation. His inspiring management style not only motivates his employees, but also leaves a positive mark on the entire business environment.

With his solution-oriented mindset and progressive ideas, he has not only climbed his personal career ladder, but also redefined the meaning of shared success. With fresh approaches and modern thinking, he is steering the traditional family business safely into the future.

Under his leadership, Novoplast is developing into a leading producer in the field of plastics processing - a company that is working passionately to revolutionize the industry. From idea to production, the Novoplast team accompanies its customers with dedication and expertise to create high-quality products that are not only functional but also improve the quality of life.

In this interview, Mr. Hadzic gives us exciting insights into his everyday life, his very personal definition of success and his passion for promoting young talent. His story is not only inspiring, but also encouraging - a story of commitment, determination and growth. Curious? We are too!

Mr. Hadzic, if you had taken a different path when you were younger, what would you have become?

"That's a very difficult question. In my recent past, I was driven by the desire to create something new and express my creativity on a blank sheet of paper. Being ambitious, it wasn't always clear to me which career path I should take. But one thing I was sure of was that I wanted to use my skills and knowledge to make a meaningful difference and give something back to society. The path I took was not always easy. There have been challenges and setbacks, but they have made me stronger. Today, I am grateful for the experiences I have gained and the people who have accompanied me along the way. I know that my journey is far from over. I am excited to see what the future holds and what new opportunities will open up for me. But one thing is certain: I will continue to work with passion and ambition to achieve my goals and make a difference."

What is your favorite way to start your day?

"Most days, whether weekdays or weekends, start with a similar ritual for me. During the week, my alarm clock wakes me up between 4:38 and 5:28 a.m. At the weekend, I allow myself a little more sleep and start the day at 7:30 a.m. at the latest. As soon as I get up, I get my body going with 50 push-ups. A glass of water and my morning supplements provide me with energy and nutrients. Shaving, brushing my teeth and showering round off my morning hygiene routine. Before the day really gets going, I carefully choose my outfit. A small snack and an espresso, enjoyed at the dining table or on the terrace depending on the weather, are the perfect end to my morning routine. This structured start to the day has become my personal recipe for success over time. Initially, it took some discipline to establish this routine, but today I miss it when I have to deviate from it."

"Creating something out of nothing - that is the core of my sense of success today."

Haris Hadzic

What does success mean to you personally?

"For me, success used to be a clearly defined peak to climb. Whether in a team or alone, achieving a set goal marked triumph. Today, however, I experience success in a more multifaceted and nuanced way. The path from vision to realization holds the true appeal and value for me. It is the process of creation that fulfills me, when pieces of the puzzle are put together from initial thoughts and idea after idea takes shape. Creating something out of nothing - that is the core of my sense of success today. This new perspective frees me from the pressure of simply achieving a goal. Instead, I immerse myself in the creative process with dedication, enjoy the small and large steps forward and rejoice at every milestone along the way. For me, success is no longer a single point on the map, but a continuous journey full of growth and learning. It is the joy of creating, the inspiration that comes from the unknown and the satisfaction of having produced something unique and valuable. In this new definition of success, I find fulfillment and motivation to keep creating, learning and growing."

What would you work for free for a week?

"I would enthusiastically devote a week of my life to boosting young people's self-esteem through boxing training and mental coaching. In our fast-paced society, where comparison with others is omnipresent, many people lose sight of their own strengths and potential. They doubt their abilities and their value, which has a negative impact on their self-esteem and the way they shape their lives. This is exactly where I would start. In a one-week initiative, I would offer young people the space and support to boost their self-esteem and discover their inner strength."

What was the best professional advice you ever received?

"Putting the influence of individual people on my life into words is a complex task. Countless people have accompanied me on my path, given me energy and supported me in challenging situations. I am deeply grateful to all of them and feel connected to them on a special level. In addition to these inspiring companions, however, I have always been driven by one particular motivation: the doubt of others. When people told me "you can't do it" or "it won't work", a fire grew inside me to prove them wrong. This headwind strengthened my will and spurred me on to go beyond my limits. However, one of the most formative pieces of advice I have ever received is: "It can't get light before dawn." These words taught me patience and perseverance along the way. They reminded me that success takes time and continuous effort."

We would like to thank Mr. Hadzic for his contribution to this article.

This interview was conducted in writing.

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