Our interview partner of the month learned a very nature-oriented profession and continues to be actively involved in environmental protection in his spare time. He has never followed a career plan, but has purposefully and openly accepted every challenge that has come his way.
For example, Thomas Toth has been with Arnold Magnetic Technologies, a leading global manufacturer of high-performance permanent magnets, flexible composite materials, electromagnets, magnet assemblies and precision sheet metal, for almost 15 years. The current managing director of the Lupfig site describes his career with the U.S. company as a dishwasher's career. In the course of his career, he was able to gain experience at all hierarchical levels: From craftsman to board member.
Determination, depth and sustainability are important to Thomas Toth in all areas of life. For twenty years now, he has been involved in value-based leadership and management and has specialized in Lean Culture Development. He also uses this knowledge in his latest project LeanBoost.ch through which he would also like to support environmental projects in the long term. Learn more about the business economist, his professional and private habits for a happy, successful life in our interview of the month.
We wish you an exciting read, a contented reflection on your past year and much confidence for what is to come.
Mr. Toth, if you had taken a different path when you were younger, what would you have become?
"I had learned forestry to complete an apprenticeship so that I could join the police later on. But I never did, because I didn't always want to come into contact with negative things. I didn't have a real career plan before. In 2007, I started at Arnold Magnetic Technologies AG as an all-rounder in production and actually only wanted to work in industry for a few months. This then turned into a dishwasher career and to this day magnets have aligned and attracted me 😉 ."
What is your favorite way to start your day?
"My morning routine gives me strength for the whole day. I do priming exercises and consciously start the day on a positive note."
What does success mean to you personally?
"For me, personal success means first and foremost being happy. It's no use having all the money in the world if you're not happy. With this attitude, I also hope that things will work out in my favor in different situations in life. For my life plan there are, for example, health, relationships, finances, career, knowledge... for each area of life I set goals, which I pursue."
What would you work for free for a week?
"Nature is very important to me and I would immediately work for free for the development of forests and the protection of the oceans. I am also in the process of setting up a project in which I can support. It is a company which then puts a part of the profit or turnover into environmental projects. A similar model as Patagonia has been using for years. Currently this company (https://www.leanboost.ch/) is still under construction and I am not yet making revenue, but I am already supporting leaders in Nigeria with free services. These are business transformation processes and value based leadership."
What was the best professional advice you ever received?
"Getting a little better every day and never stopping. That's the kaizen philosophy that had never left me."
We would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Toth for his contribution to this article. This interview was conducted in writing.
Editor: Neslihan Steiner
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