5 Questions for Christian W. Blaser, Owner and CEO of Blaser Architekten AG

Christian Blaser

In autumn, many find it harder than usual to get up. The time change to winter time may help a little, but current events around the globe, tensions and challenges can leave one feeling world-weary, uncertain and listless. For those who could use a dose of inspiration and motivation, our interview of the month provides the nudge you need.

Hit the snooze button and stay down a little longer? For Christian Blaser this is out of the question. The owner and CEO of the Basel-based architects' office Blaser Architects AG usually gets up immediately. What helps him is to follow nature and fill his everyday life with things that awaken his anticipation. Whether it's his work, volunteer commitments or hobbies, life satisfaction is his top priority.

Even though a large part of your life may be taking place within your own four walls due to the pandemic, or an active life may be somewhat restricted right now due to social distancing, you can still lead a fulfilling life. Planning for the future is rather difficult? Then try being in the here and now. Learn in our interview how Christian Blaser discovered the profession of architect for himself and how he defines success. According to the view "advice is often blows" you will not find here advice for your life or career, but a positive attitude on life that stimulates thinking and motivates.
We wish you a good read!

Mr. Blaser, if you had taken a different path when you were younger, what would you have become?

"My father was an architect and my mother was a textile designer. I grew up with these professions - didn't know much else and found a profession that had to do with space interesting and inspiring.

In later life, I also got pleasure from agriculture. It is the first and purest form of economy, the cultivation of land. I love the archaic aspect of it. So I enjoy forest work, the process of planting, growing, felling, sawing, splitting wood to heat a sauna and feel the warmth. For a few years now I have been working as an olive grower and I love the same archaic process of woodcutting with the olive trees and the resulting oil. An alternative to architecture would have been for me the psychology or philosophy, although the two disciplines without being called for it accompany me every day like more and more..."

What is your favorite way to start your day?

"I always start the day equally sweet. I'm usually looking forward to going to the office, and on weekends, the anticipation of a nice long-distance run wakes me up. I have so much to do, whether in everyday life, on vacation or traveling, that I always get up rather early, positively, looking forward to the challenges. If I wake up, I actually wait until it's time to get up. I don't like to stay down. I also try to follow nature - I sleep when it is dark and work when it is light. In the morning, I start my day healthy and drink a glass of water, swallow a spoonful of our olive oil and take a fingertip of Pappa Reale (queen bee food juice) from our Tuscan farmer friends."

What does success mean to you personally?

"Success describes the consequence, consequence or effect of action. Actually, I don't follow anyone or anything concrete. In management, it's always said that you have to have goals, that you have to get things done. With me, things came to me through my thinking, acting and doing. I don't have a static goal in life. Every day I make new experiences that bring me forward and give me new perspectives. However, I have created a life for myself in which I have the opportunity to pursue things that interest me and that show me again and again that I am not yet done. If I were to take place completely, which I neither aspire to nor think I will ever achieve, it would be a sign that earthly life was over."

What would you work for free for a week?

"Gratis I work for the architecture mediation, which is very close to my heart. In doing so, we bring people closer to space as a quality, enabler and wonder. I do this as president of the Foundation ArchitectureDialogues, a platform for building culture. As part of my office I also run the Schauraum-b. There, in the broadest sense, architectural topics that interest me are discussed and shown from various perspectives with lectures and one exhibition each. I am also always happy to work in agriculture free of charge. Actually, everywhere where I can learn something, I like to work - voluntarily and without remuneration."

What was the best professional advice you ever received?

"I'm fortunate to keep coming across very deep, intelligent, and diverse people from whom I can learn. I make little distinction whether I learn professionally or in some other way in these encounters. The vocation and the life are one. The word advice consists of advice and blow - the advice I receive with pleasure, the blow less. Even better than advice is when I learn from people how they are, live and act and get something for my life from a great convincing authenticity. This happens when you are open and have time and leisure."

We would like to thank Mr. Blaser for his contribution to this article. This interview was conducted in writing.

Editor: Neslihan Steiner

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