5 Questions for Daniel Bärlocher, CEO of Bimbosan

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As part of our "5 Questions for..." series, we talked to Daniel Bärlocher about his values, professional and private interests, and the most important lessons he has learned along his career path so far.

Swiss products have always been the epitome of innovation and high quality. This is also true of Bimbosan products, which are popular with young parents. The family-run SME based in Welschenrohr (SO) has been producing first-class baby food in Switzerland since 1932. The company feels a special responsibility to leave a beautiful world for the young children and babies of today, also for the future. That is why, at Bimbosan, Swiss quality does not stop with the products: Whenever possible, the company works with Swiss suppliers and partners, such as Swiss printers.

Anyone who runs a company that manufactures products for the smallest members of our society also draws inspiration from its consumers. We can learn from children how wonderful it can be to discover life: With an irrepressible zest for life, curiosity and enthusiasm. For Daniel Bärlocher, CEO of Bimbosan, these qualities are also very important in adulthood. Trying out, discovering and enjoying new things is a top priority for the experienced CEO, both privately and professionally. After several years of sales and marketing experience in the OTC/pharmaceutical sector, Daniel Bärlocher took over the tradition-rich company Bimbosan as CEO in 2012 as part of a succession solution and repositioned it with a relaunch.

Get to know Daniel Bärlocher better in our interview: How he prefers to start the day, how he defines success and what his professional and private values are. We wish you an inspiring read.

Mr. Bärlocher, if you had taken a different path when you were younger, what would you have become?

"As a child, I never had a very specific career aspiration, such as pilot or locomotive engineer. But I have always had a special interest in people, their attitudes and intentions. As a child and teenager, I was very curious and interested in many different things. I have retained this childlike curiosity and enthusiasm to a certain extent to this day."

What is your favorite way to start your day?

"My perfect day starts when I can go running for half an hour at 06:00. Preferably when it's already light out. This moment then belongs only to me and allows me to get ready for the day ahead. Of course, a good coffee afterwards is not to be missed. I am a convinced "breakfast eater" and rarely go to the office without breakfast."

What does success mean to you personally?

"Ultimately, business success is always measured in terms of the company's results. But for me, personal success goes beyond that, because I always measure it by how much influence I had on a certain development. For example, was I able to steer things in the right direction? Have I been able to develop employees or am I making a difference for a company? If I can answer "yes" to these questions, I consider that a success. For that, I'm also willing to invest a lot of time and energy."

What would you work for free for a week?

"I believe it is meaningful and important to try to give something back to society and the less well-off. If I were to work for free for a week, I would like to invest this time for children who are less well off. I have also had the opportunity to work as a counselor at a camp for disadvantaged children. That was a lot of fun! Even though these were only a few days, I was very impressed by the amount of gratitude that came back. I could very well imagine doing this again."

What was the best professional advice you ever received?

"'There is no alternative to a positive basic attitude.' For me, there is no alternative but to start each day positively. By that I don't mean that you "naively" see everything only positively, but that you always refocus and deal with difficulties that come along with a positive basic attitude. Likewise, you have to enjoy working with people and be able to accept them as they are. That, too, can only be done with a fundamentally positive attitude toward employees or fellow human beings."

We would like to thank Mr. Bärlocher for his contribution to this article. This interview was conducted in writing.

Editor: Neslihan Steiner

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