5 questions for Marcel Hollenstein, CEO and co-owner of Garage Hollenstein

Marcel Hollenstein Garage Hollenstein

Some people are not only born with a profession, but also with a passion. In Marcel Hollenstein's case, it was a fascination with cars and the joy of driving. What for some is just one means of transport among many has always been an expression of independence, freedom and individual mobility for the Hollenstein family. In over 40 years of success, the family business has evolved considerably. What started as a one-man business in 1974 by the father of today's co-owners has now become the leading representative of the BMW and MINI brands with 50 employees.

With new technologies and innovations, mobility trends also change, but one thing remains unchanged at Garage Hollenstein: Everyone pulls together and is committed to personal proximity to each and every customer. We talked to Mr. Marcel Hollenstein, CEO and co-owner of Garage Hollenstein, about his career as part of our "5 Questions for..." series. Find out what inspires the CEO and co-owner of Garage Hollenstein and what he considers to be the best career advice.

If you had not become a manager in the car business - what then?

"I never asked myself that question because I was born with the genes, so to speak. Even as a young boy, I helped out in my parents' business. Little by little, I took on more and more tasks, and the rest just fell into place."

What would you work for free for a week?

"I would use my time for something good and meaningful and volunteer for a relief project. No matter where, as long as I can use my knowledge and my strength for a good cause or people in need."

What was the best professional advice you ever received?

"In all the effort, you can't forget yourself. Health is the top priority. Without good health, there is no motivation to motivate employees and to implement upcoming projects. 
Likewise, the family must not be neglected. The family is my strong support. I have received this advice from many professional colleagues as well as people close to me."

What event in your career do you remember most fondly?

"Taking over the business in 1996 with my brothers Martin and Dominic from our parents. The opening of our new building in Aesch in 2013 is also still fresh in my memory."

Who or what inspires and excites you?

"I can quickly become enthusiastic about something if I see the meaning behind it. Anyone close to me can inspire me. Inspiration usually comes from conversations with my brothers, our controller Markus Ming, employees, friends and family. 
The BMW and MINI brand and its products never cease to inspire me. I like to share my enthusiasm with other people."

We would like to thank Mr. Hollenstein for his contribution to this article. This interview was conducted in writing.

Editor: Neslihan Steiner

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