5 Questions for Marcel Käser, CEO EuropTec Polymer, Branch Office of Glas Trösch

Marcel Käser EuropTec Polymer

As part of our "5 Questions for..." series, we talked to Marcel Käser about his professional and private interests and the most important lessons he has learned along his career path so far.

You've probably watched a baby struggle to walk. Stumbling, falling over and tirelessly getting back up is in its nature. Many adults unlearn this literal "stand-up" mentality over time. Yet this ability is becoming increasingly important in today's (working) world.

In psychology, resilience is the ability to survive stressful situations and crises mentally without lasting impairment. Resilient people are flexible, emotionally stable and empathetic. They accept the given situation and see the problem as a challenge that they are able to overcome. For this perspective, it is helpful to consciously look back and consider what one has learned from a difficult situation in the past. In this way, one is strengthened for the next similar problem.

Marcel Käser, our interview partner of the month, has internalized the "stand-up guy" mentality through one of his hobbies. In sports, it involves accepting defeat, mastering unpredictable situations and returning to the game stronger than ever. Marcel Käser is Managing Director of EuropTec AG, a branch of the Glas Trösch Group. With over 200 employees, the company has developed into a specialist in the machining and processing of polymer materials and the manufacture of customized packaging systems for medical and laboratory technology, diagnostics and industry.

Especially in management positions, there is great pressure to perform, which, if you are not resilient, quickly affects your private life and leisure time. We talked to Mr. Käser about his career choice, his interests, values and professional habits. Learn more about him in the interview.

Mr. Käser, if you had taken a different path when you were younger, what would you have become?

"I realized at a young age that the biggest part in life is related to work. Therefore, my goal was to find a future field of activity where the identification from the product to the company is in good harmony. The world of polymer materials has fascinated me from a young age. With over 30 years in the industry, I can say that I have succeeded in pursuing a job that fascinates me and with which I identify."

What would you work for free for a week?

"As a great wine lover, I could well imagine spending a week actively helping out in the vineyard during the 'Wümmetzeit'. Preferably at a renowned winery in Tuscany. Of course, after the work is done, there would be no shortage of cozy evenings with good red wines."

What was the best professional advice you ever received?

"Advise the so-called 'red' thread. Gaining a lot of experience in different functions and investing a lot of time and commitment in continuing education in parallel."

How do you face setbacks and deal with difficulties?

"As a passionate athlete (ice hockey), I learned early on how to deal with defeat. Nobody likes to lose. But what's decisive is how quickly I 'get back up' and what my insights are so that I can draw the right conclusions afterwards."

What is especially important to you in your work environment and what is definitely not coming into the office?

"In order to deliver the required performance on a daily basis, points such as trust, competence, flexibility and a good communication culture are of central importance. Furthermore, the team plays a key role. Individual players no longer stand a chance in today's business complexity."

We would like to thank Mr. Käser for his contribution to this article. This interview was conducted in writing.

Editor: Neslihan Steiner

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