There are people who don't even need to explain their job and their company when they make new acquaintances. This must be the case for Mr. Markus Krienbühl, who has been working for more than five years as Head of Human Resources at Rivella AG in Rothrist, which distributes the nationally known Love brand, among other things.
We spoke with the HR expert, who has over 20 years of professional experience in human resources, about his professional and personal highlights so far this year.
What has been the most positive thing for you professionally so far in 2017?
"It's confirmation that I have an interesting job, in a great team and a great company, that I also enjoy (most of the time) and that allows me to continue learning."
What new personal strengths have you discovered about yourself this year that have turned out to be very valuable professionally?
"I wouldn't really be aware of a newly discovered personal strength, to be honest. I'm quite simply uplifted by the fact that I manage to keep myself physically (and therefore mentally) fit at an acceptable level despite my family, heavy workload and all my other commitments."
Which headline surprised you the most in 2017?
"One headline I particularly liked was the following: "Corporate culture: A path is created when you walk it". I am convinced that the (further) development of corporate culture - also against the backdrop of digitization, among other things - must be consciously shaped as a factor that determines success. Being aware alone is not enough. Unreflective adherence to the status quo, respect for failure, and toleration of a "garden-variety" mindset slow down innovation and development and thus prevent a sustainable corporate culture."
What do you not want to read about in the media in 2018?
"That the Young Boys "veryoungboysen" and again have not managed to win a title for what feels like 100 years..."
Are you in the habit of doing a personal year in review? If so, what tips do you have for self-reflection?
"I generally prefer to look more forward and try to learn from what I have experienced & from experiences. Consciously looking at problems from different perspectives and pausing helps me put things and problems into perspective."
We would like to thank Mr. Krienbühl for his contribution to this article. This interview was conducted in writing.
Editor: Neslihan Steiner
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