5 questions to Nicole Garabal, CCO of Herbamed AG

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Reconciling career and family is no easy task. Are children a career killer or can they even be a career booster?

Opinions couldn't be more different, but the personal and professional conditions of each individual also differ greatly. Our interview partner of the month has a demanding job, but sees her children as a great enrichment - also for her career. Get an insight into Nicole Garabal's career in our interview of the month. She tells us what has shaped her career and who gave her the best professional advice.

We wish you a good read!

Ms. Garabal, if you had taken a different path when you were younger, what would you have become?

"Like most kids, I didn't dream of spending my professional life in an office when I was young. Originally, the educational direction should have been taken. Working with people, especially children, has always fascinated me. That's why I wished to work as a teacher or therapist one day.

Later, however, I nevertheless chose a business management path. I completed my basic training as a businesswoman and my interest in economics was awakened. My further training enabled me to take on a management function, in which I can now combine and fully exercise my passions - people and business".

What is your favorite way to start your day?

"The start of the day is announced early in the morning by my children. The alarm clocks are delayed in responding. A loving hug followed by a good cup of coffee and a bit of bustle is my perfect start to the day. The childlike lightness of being forms my source of energy. This is how I manage to reconcile the function of "family manager" and everyday business life and master it with a lot of commitment, as well as dedication."

What does success mean to you personally?

"For me, success is a big word with many meanings. Basically, I call the achievement of my goals success. My drive is my curiosity in many areas, so there are always numerous projects that need to be mastered in business as well as in my private life. The realization of my plans, as well as the independence to be able to shape my life independently, is what I call my personal success."

What would you work for free for a week?

"I work around the clock for free for my children and I do it with full dedication. The pragmatism of the children teaches me to come down to earth and bring this into everyday life. Tolerance, courage and passion are character traits that children pass on to us and shape my actions. For my fellow men and co-workers I also gladly perform services without receiving anything in return. However, I still demand one small thing - gratitude."

What was the best professional advice you ever received?

"Life consists of countless pieces of advice. I have been lucky enough to meet many interesting and smart people. My grandmother's advice is probably the best that I've been given and that drives me professionally: 'You don't have to be good at everything. Do what you are good at. Choose your environment so that it can compensate for your deficiencies."

We would like to sincerely thank Ms. Garabal for her contribution to this article. This interview was conducted in writing.

The Herbamed AG based in Bühler (AR), is a Swiss manufacturer of homeopathic and herbal medicines. The aim of homeopathy is to strengthen the body's own defense mechanisms and to initiate self-healing. Especially in the cold season, both children and adults are often afflicted by colds, coughs and the like. Homeopathy is a gentle way to alleviate a variety of complaints. Your pharmacy will be happy to advise you on the right choice of herbal preparations

Editor: Neslihan Steiner

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