5 questions for Nubya, singer from Basel


As part of our "5 Questions to..." series, we talked to Basel singer Nubya about her professional and private views and the most important advice of her career.

Would you describe yourself as creative? Many people don't consider themselves particularly creative because they think it's reserved for artists and inventors. But creativity comes in so many different forms. This year demanded a certain amount of creativity from everyone, as many new and original solutions to problems were required. The ability to abandon old ways of seeing and thinking and to make new, surprising or unprecedented connections and work out solutions could be a possible definition of creativity.

Our interview partner of the month experiences the creative power of her creativity every day. A powerful voice and expressive lyrics, that's what Swiss singer Nubya is known for. We talked to the Basel-based singer about her profession - or rather vocation. The event and music industry has been hit hard by the effects of the pandemic, demanding new approaches and ways to keep art and entertainment accessible. After a year jam-packed with engagements, rest returned this spring for Nubya as well. But she used this time intensively, practicing many hours at her piano, refining her singing technique and making the best of the situation. So she worked intensively on her new album, wrote new songs and started recording right after the lockdown. The result can be heard next spring, when her new album will be released.

Autumn is a time of change. An ideal season to nurture your creativity, your natural creative potential. Take time for a nice album or a good movie, cook a dish without a recipe and let your senses guide you. A short trip or walk can also be very stimulating.

Find out how Nubya prefers to start the day and what she herself understands by success and a meaningful life. We wish you a stimulating read!

Nubya, if you had taken a different path when you were younger, what would you have become?

"I always wanted to do something with music, but originally I was more interested in the management side of the industry. Close friends of my family were concert promoters and I really admired what they put together. After graduating from high school, I studied jazz in New York and back in Switzerland I started studying business at the University of Basel. But what I experienced in New York touched me very much and made me slide "to the other side". The fascination of wanting to sing myself was simply greater."

What is your favorite way to start your day?

"Since I have my office at home, I quickly find myself in front of my PC: looking at mails, answering them... I'm in office mode faster than I would sometimes like. I'd even rather practice yoga first and clear my head. But being self-employed means that the line between private and business life gets blurred very quickly. After an office morning, there's musical work to do during the afternoon."

What does success mean to you personally?

"For me, there are two types of success: a subjective and objective one. On the subjective level, success for me means when I am convinced that I have brought out the best in myself, given and done the best in a situation. Objectively, success is probably what is socially defined as such. This often has something to do with merit and wealth - and I don't share this point of view.

For me, success means having a vision and being able to realize it. To be able to create something that has a lasting value, to pass something on to subsequent people... Personally, I feel successful when I've been able to touch people at a concert, transport them to another world and trigger emotions in them."

What would you work for free for a week?

"In my line of work, it's not that unusual to get involved in something for free. But I'm also an ambassador for the Swiss Red Cross. From time to time, I travel with the SRC to visit projects on site. There I experience their commitment firsthand and have great respect for what the employees achieve. It is important to me to support people who have fewer opportunities than we do. That's why I like to do my own part to make the population aware of the SRC's issues."

What was the best professional advice you ever received?

"The best advice I received was from my mother: "Do what you love, and love what you do." She encouraged me at an early age to take my Matura and then to do everything I love. For me, it is essential to pursue work that makes my heart beat faster and fulfills me. I found my calling early on and enjoy being able to live my life the way I love and want to live it."

We would like to thank Nubya for her contribution to this article. This interview was conducted by telephone.

News from Nubya

Visit your website https://nubya.com/ or their social media channels to stay informed about upcoming events and releases:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nubyamusic/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nubyamusic

Photographer: Patrick Metrraux

Editor: Neslihan Steiner

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