Flying fascinates, awakens longings and adorns the childhood dreams of many. This also explains why our interviewee of the month, Mr. Robert Somers, has remained loyal to the aviation industry since the beginning of his career: he came to Switzerland in 1985 as an avionics engineer and has worked as a pilot and captain since 1988.
However, the aviation industry offers a variety of other interesting jobs that Mr. Somers wanted to discover for himself. So in 2004, he earned a master's degree in International Executive MBA in Zurich to lay the foundation for new, responsible roles. His technical know-how and expertise, coupled with his personal motivation, social competence and business skills, opened up very good career prospects for him in management positions at many companies.
Today, he no longer hovers above the clouds as a captain, but has been active for several years as a managing director of various companies that still have something to do with aviation. Whether as CEO of Hello Airlines AG, then of Aer Lingus or currently at ASL Airlines Switzerland AG, he faces different professional challenges every day than he did back then in the cockpit. But he still sees parallels in his previous stations.
Mr. Somers, if you had taken a different path when you were younger, what would you have become?
"I always wanted to be a pilot, but started my career as an aircraft engineer. I later became a commercial airline pilot and flew a variety of piston, turboprop and jet aircraft. I never intended or planned to become a CEO. I consider myself very fortunate for the opportunities I have been given."
What would you work for free for a week?
"I would love to give my time and experience to others and get involved with the International Committee of the Red Cross."
What was the best professional advice you ever received?
"Someone once told me that time management is the key to stress management and success - this is true in a cockpit as well as in an office environment. That same person also taught me how to properly manage my time and tasks. This important foundation has allowed me to easily manage the pressures that come with my previous leadership positions and multiple CEO roles."
How do you face setbacks and deal with difficulties?
"These are part of everyday business and provide an opportunity to learn and grow. When I face a problem or difficulty, I try to stay calm and not give up."
What is especially important to you in your work environment and what is definitely not coming into the office?
"Having access to a coffee maker is a big plus."
We would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Somers for his contribution to this article. This interview was conducted in writing.
Editor: Neslihan Steiner
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