Career decisions can sometimes be very challenging. If you feel alone, you quickly start to brood. What can help are mentors. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, and the chances are great that someone has been in a similar situation before. The key word is experience.
Career decisions can sometimes be very challenging. If you feel alone, you quickly start to brood. What can help are mentors. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, and the chances are great that someone has been in a similar situation before. The key word is experience: a mentor should have already been where the mentee still wants to go. Especially at the beginning of a career, a mentorship can be very helpful in gaining a foothold, building one's network, and simply saving time or avoiding certain mistakes. But even in a more advanced career, mentoring can have a positive influence on the professional career.
After completing further training as a certified business specialist and various stays abroad in Canada and Hong Kong, our interviewee of the month Jasmin Fringeli was looking for an instructive job in an inspiring environment - and found what she was looking for at Blaser Architekten, a constantly learning and open-minded architectural firm in Basel. She has remained loyal to the company for 12 years now and today holds the position of Head of Administration and is a member of the Executive Board.
Jasmin Fringeli was noticeably moved when asked for the best professional advice of her career. Find out more about her career path and the pioneering role mentors have played in her career in this interview. And if, after reading this, you would like to become a mentor yourself and pass on your expertise and experience, all the better. Mentoring has many benefits for both sides and makes the world of work a more human, positive place.
Ms. Fringeli, if you had taken a different path when you were younger, what would you have become?
"I wouldn't describe myself as the "bookish type" and have therefore often preferred the hands-on approach. The 'learning by doing' approach has worked very well for me in various areas of my life. After initially dreaming of being a pilot as a young girl, I took a more realistic approach to my career choice and perhaps took the path of least resistance at the time by completing a commercial apprenticeship after compulsory schooling. Nevertheless, I always set myself challenges and wanted to achieve something. I like having a plan and taking a strategic approach, but the effort should always be proportionate."
What is your favorite way to start your day?
"During the week, I start the day with yoga, a cup of ginger and lemon tea and use the drive to the office to mentally prepare myself for the working day. At weekends, I like to start the day slowly and not jump out of bed straight away. But slow doesn't mean staying in bed for a long time: I like to wake up together with nature and take my time to harmonize body and mind."
What does success mean to you personally?
"Personal success is not something I specifically strive for or focus on. Of course, as a doer, I am happy when something succeeds and a success can be celebrated. As long as I can see the importance and purpose of something, I put my strength and energy into it and enjoy what I have achieved. In concrete terms in the company, for example, this means that I consider it a success if I can motivate employees and we can achieve something together. That gives everyone a good feeling and motivates them to keep going."
What would you work for free for a week?
"Before motherhood, there were a number of things I was passionate about. Today, there's one thing I'm particularly passionate about: getting involved with children and their future."
What was the best professional advice you ever received?
"It wasn't specific advice, but I was lucky enough to always be accompanied through life by a coach. This started with my parents and later in my professional career with a mentor and companion. They always looked out for me, pushed and encouraged me. As I said, I like to learn in practice. Psychological and interpersonal skills can be learned with someone who takes you by the hand. Three key people played a major role in pushing me to where I am today. When I think back, they have certain things in common: They are all individual leader personalities. What mentors have given you along the way is priceless. But it also takes an openness on the part of the mentee to get involved in order to benefit from their wisdom and guidance."
We would like to thank Ms. Fringeli for her contribution to this article. This interview was conducted by telephone.
Editor: Neslihan Steiner
Batterman Consulting Basel AG
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