Candidate Experience in the application process


In the battle for talent and skilled workers, companies cannot afford to lose promising candidates in the application process. That's why the candidate experience should be a top priority in every company.
But what does Candidate Experience mean? Why is Candidate Experience important? And how can you optimize your candidate experience? You'll learn all about it in this blog post.

What does Candidate Experience mean?

Candidate experience refers to all the experiences that a potential candidate has during the application process. This includes the job search, the application process, the communication between employer and applicant and the various interviews that a candidate conducts. The more positive these experiences are, the more likely it is that the Applicants decides in favor of the employer.

Why is Candidate Experience important?

A company can only attract the best employees with an all-round positive candidate experience. With targeted candidate experience management, companies improve the experience of their applicants and benefit from several advantages. FirstlyEmployer branding can be positively influenced by candidates' experiences.

Employer branding describes all the measures a company can take to strengthen its own brand and present itself to potential applicants as a suitable and attractive employer.

In addition to employer branding, a company benefits from a larger number of qualified applications. This is because dealing with candidates in an appreciative and professional manner leads to positive conclusions about their position as an employee

In this day and age, it's easy for a candidate to express their impression of a company on social media or on an employer review site like Kununu. These reviews are often the first place a potential candidate will go before filling out an application. If they see a majority of negative reviews, they are unlikely to apply or accept a job.

The candidate experience in six phases

Figure 1: Candidate experience in six phases

In order for companies to improve the candidate experience, they need to be aware of all touchpoints with the applicant. In general, not only the application process, but also activities before and after recruitment need to be considered.

1st attraction phase

The first contact between the company and a potential applicant should already arouse so much interest that the candidate wants to obtain further information. This could be a well thought-out recruitment campaign, a positive conversation at a job fair or a recommendation from a friend.

2. information phase

The next step is for the interested party to find out about the company and the available job advertisements. These should make a good and professional impression, present the company attractively and be tailored to the skills and expectations of the desired applicant.

3rd application phase

In order to offer a pleasant candidate experience, it is advisable to enable online applications. The online forms should be clearly laid out, the upload of documents should work smoothly and the confirmation email should sound friendly and inviting. The candidate should feel reassured that they have found a suitable company.

It should also be quick and easy to send the application documents. It should be noted that more and more people are applying via smartphone these days. A so-called "one-click application" via the Linkedin profile can help to get more interest signaled.

4th selection phase

This phase includes job interviews, the reception at the company, the organization of the selection process and follow-up communication. This is where the candidate comes into contact with company employees for the first time.

Transparency is key at this stage. During the first interview, most candidates can already say whether they could imagine working for your company or not.

During the interview, convey as clearly as possible what it is like to work for your company. This includes the work culture, the team spirit, the challenges of the position and the potential growth opportunities and further training options for candidates.

5. onboarding phase

An open and welcoming culture should continue even after a commitment has been made. Show that you are looking forward to working together and are interested in our mutual success.

The candidate journey does not end with the job offer. Your new team member can expect further support and good onboarding until they start the job.

6th bonding phase

In addition to the process-related aspects, the human aspects must also be taken into account. The new employee should integrate into the team and feel comfortable with their first tasks.

Also take the time to interview your new employees, listen carefully and implement the feedback you receive as quickly as possible.

After this phase, the Candidate Journey is over. From now on, the Employee Journey begins.

For companies: We at Batterman Consulting are happy to support you in optimizing your candidate experience. Contact us today Contact with us. We will be happy to advise you and are available at any time.

For candidates: Have you already had an interview with us or have you already been placed by us? How was your candidate experience with Batterman Consulting? We would be delighted to receive your feedback and suggestions for improvement!


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