Meanwhile, the topic of AI has arrived in the field of HR and recruiting. One of the somewhat newer terms that one encounters is "robo-recruiting". But what does it mean?
In today's world, the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly relevant. This field of research attempts to emulate human perception and action through machines and is therefore finding favor in a wide variety of areas. One of the main goals of AI is to make work easier and automate processes, among other things.
Meanwhile, the topic of AI has also arrived in the field of HR and recruiting. One of the somewhat newer terms that one now encounters is the "Robo-Recruiting. But what is meant by this term?
Basically, this is understood to mean that the recruitment process is automated by artificial intelligence up to a certain extent. This can be done, for example, through the use of algorithms. A pre-selection of application dossiers can thus take place automatically without the HR manager having to take a look at each individual application.
Where is AI being used in recruiting?
AI can certainly be of great benefit in HR and recruiting. Screening applications can take a lot of time and using technology to take this pre-screening away from recruiters can lead to big time and money savings.
However, you don't have to go that far. Many companies already have tools that fall under the category of "robo-recruiting". Do you also use online application forms? This function helps recruiters to filter applications in advance, since the forms already ask for certain information. The recruiter can therefore quickly filter out unsuitable candidates. Chatbots are also conceivable, which can conduct an initial written exchange with interested parties and provide information about the position. However, this is already a very advanced technology and also requires very good programming in the background if the answers are to be informative. If you want to go one step further, you can also use voice recognition software to even contact applicants by phone with a programmed robot voice.
How does AI impact the application process?
Until now, one of the pro-arguments for the use of AI has been that its use reduces discrimination in terms of appearance, for example. However, one can ask whether this is really the case, since AI is also programmed by humans and copies human behavior and ways of thinking.
There are also open questions regarding creative applications, which do not correspond to the typical standard and therefore might not be recognized as a good application by KI. If all applications look the same and individuality is lost, some exciting applications will certainly be lost.
AI and algorithms can help speed up the recruitment process for very comparable, similar profiles where there is a large influx of applicants. For very specific job profiles, where there are only a few applications, the use of AI is not necessarily the best choice. In addition, there are still some open questions and the topic can become very complex.
Even if AI could at best save time or money, for us the human component is still at the center. For this reason, we at Batterman Consulting do not use AI in the pre-selection process. Direct contact and exchange with our applicants is very important to us. For us, people are at the center and the time we take for applicants is always time well invested for the future. Many a time we have experienced that a candidate who would have fallen through the cracks on the basis of his or her resume has positively surprised us in the interview. Because our vision is to help our clients and candidates with everything we do, so that they can fulfill their vision.
Batterman Consulting Basel AG
Executive Search,
Byfangweg 1a, CH-4051 Basel
T +41 58 680 55 55