Application trends 2021

Application Trends

If you are looking for a new challenge this year, are just starting out in your career or need to find a new position - a timely application can be a decisive factor. In this article, rather than looking at modern resumes or cover letters, we'll take a look at recruiting trends and what you need to prepare for.

The trend of the last few years is continuing: Applying should be easier, processes should be as short as possible, and everything should be digital, of course. Companies are using various tools for this purpose, which are experiencing an additional upswing due to the pandemic and the limited contact.

Online Profiles & One-Click Application
As in previous years, online profiles (Xing, Linkedin, etc.) are an interesting way to attract additional attention. These profiles can be designed as you like and get additional information that is usually not an issue in the resume, for example good references from former colleagues. The advantage here is that you can sit back while headhunters or in-house recruiters find you as part of active sourcing.

Many companies now post job advertisements on these platforms and you can apply with one click. As a result, you do not need a cover letter in the first step. As a user, you can submit an application using any device without having to compile the relevant documents (since this information is also stored in your profile).

Time-shifted video interviews
Time-shifted video interviews have experienced a real boom in the last year and this trend is expected to continue in 2021. If your application has appealed to the recruiter, you may be invited to such a time-shifted video interview. The biggest advantage for you is that you can choose the time of the recording. You will be asked some questions (via video or text), then have a few seconds to prepare your answer before the recording starts. Normally, you have to reckon with one to three minutes of answer time per question here.

Some companies let you record several attempts, but this is not always the case. We give you the tip to record yourself beforehand with a sample question (e.g., "How do you imagine everyday life in this position?"). At first, it may feel strange to talk to yourself (besides, you will see yourself while you are being recorded).

Furthermore, we recommend that you dress appropriately for the situation: while it may be Sunday at 10:30 p.m., first impressions count here too.

The time-shifted video interview is intended to give you the opportunity to present yourself, your motivation and your ideas.

Video interviews
Due to the necessary contact restrictions, conferences and conversations have largely migrated to the digital world. Of course, this also applies to job interviews. You should regard the classic video interview as a normal job interview. This takes longer, but you have a real conversation with a counterpart. Make sure that you withdraw to a quiet place where you can speak freely and undisturbed. Test the camera and microphone in advance and make sure the light is good.

Personal interviews
Personal interviews still exist in times of pandemic, as no video can replace a personal & real impression. However, such interviews are often delayed or serve as the last instance for the final decision. Since hygiene measures must currently be observed, an interview with a mask is conceivable. Keep in mind that only half of your face can be seen and facial expressions and emotions are difficult to interpret. In this case, it is all the more important to use signals that the other person can see (gesticulation, nodding, audible laughter).

A relatively new approach is recuitanment, a mixture of recruiting and entertainment. Recuitainment is a kind of assessment center that aims to bring together suitable employees in a playful way. Such recuitainments are used especially for entry-level positions for university graduates. Candidates gain insight into professional fields, everyday life and corporate culture, while HR professionals can get a picture of the candidate's personality, qualifications and skills.

Even if it is playful, be aware that you will be tested throughout. Do not pretend, but remain true to yourself. After all, you can find out whether the job and the employer really suit you.

Assessments have also been and are becoming digital. Questionnaires are conceivable that can be used, for example, to measure emotional intelligence, behavior in the workplace, skills and abilities, or even to create an overall behavioral profile. Here, too, it is worth being honest and taking time for the assessment.

Fairs & Events
Entry-level positions in particular are often advertised via trade fairs and events. Here, applicants can approach contact persons at the companies directly. Of course, most of the fairs were canceled last year and the planning for this year is faltering. In the meantime, virtual career fairs are offered, but we dare to doubt whether these are worth the same amount.

CV Parsing
While in the past it was mainly large corporations that used automatic pre-selection of applications, more and more smaller companies are also using CV parsers. This clearly saves time for companies, but interesting candidates can fall through the cracks if they formulate key words differently. It's best to think about what key words a recruiter would look for in the job you're applying for and try to include them in your CV (or even in your cover letter).

Not all providers can filter out key-word stuffing, which is why some applicants hide crucial key words with white color in the background. This can sometimes bypass the system, but at the latest the recruiter takes a closer look at the application documents.

Employer Branding & Corporate Social Responsibility
Employers do marketing to attract the best employees and talent. HR managers are pleased when these measures reach the applicants and are noticed. So if you have heard only good things about the employer and its activities, feel free to mention this in your motivation letter.

Corporate social responsibility is increasingly anchored in the mission of companies. If it is important to you to work for a company that operates in a sustainable and socially responsible manner and you would like to apply to such a company, you are welcome to address this in your motivation letter.

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