He who has the knowledge has the power. But to avoid this leading to an imbalance within a company, knowledge and expertise should be passed on to others.
This is because each member of a team can learn from the experience of another and incorporate this knowledge into his or her work. Regardless of whether it's a matter of strategies and processes, internal information or long-standing business relationships: preserving this knowledge is tantamount to a valuable treasure. A look at the future also shows why knowledge transfer is so important. The baby boomer generation will soon be leaving the labor market and taking their knowledge with them into retirement.
How you can counteract such a loss of knowledge, you will learn in the following tips.
Strengthening the corporate culture
In order to anchor the transfer of knowledge within a company, a culture is required that places knowledge at the center. What is meant by this is respectful treatment of those who share knowledge and a simultaneous management mentality that conveys knowledge as an important asset.
Focus on homogeneity
The important thing here is to have a uniform rule for storing and filing data records. The better the storage structure, the easier it is to share knowledge. And this also makes it easier to link between the often complex content.
Promote the exchange
When knowledge transfer is moderated, the exchange of experience can be most efficient. But since this moderation is very time-consuming, a technical form of support is needed: there must be a digital solution that is very intuitive and, above all, compatible with current computer systems.
Convey advantages
Only if the information is considered valuable, the recipient sees the benefit in it. This means that knowledge should be presented in an interesting and informative way to create an incentive. Team members should also be able to easily share their experiential knowledge with each other in a digital platform.
Consider time management
The time factor should not be underestimated for a successful knowledge transfer. The exchange of knowledge thrives on the opportunity to give the experience gained its space and thus the opportunity to unfold.
Batterman Consulting Basel AG
Executive Search,
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T +41 58 680 55 55