Are you thinking of making a speculative application to an exciting company or would you like to be included in the database of a personnel consultancy such as Batterman Consulting? Then you have come to the right place.
In our blog post this week, we give you an insight into the topic of speculative applications. We show you what is important when writing and give you tips for a successful speculative application.
Are unsolicited applications promising success?
Unsolicited applications can be very promising, because they show great initiative and good research skills. Writing an unsolicited application requires more preparation than is often the case with standard applications. It can be assumed with an unsolicited application that the applicant has dealt intensively with the company and can identify with the products and the mission statement. The fervent desire to work for the company in question must be perceptible to personnel officers. In addition, the added value that the candidate can offer the company must also emerge from the application.
What documents does the unsolicited application consist of?
Just like an application for an advertised position, a speculative application consists of three documents: The curriculum vitae, the letter of motivation and the references and certificates. Time and again, we receive applications that consist of umpteen individual documents. We suggest that you always limit your application to the three files mentioned. There are many good and free online tools that allow you to merge different PDF's, such as online2pdf or ilovepdf.
The resume
With regard to the CV, the same standards apply to unsolicited applications as to standard applications. The CV must be as clearly structured as possible so that it is immediately clear to the recruiter who he or she is dealing with. Information on education, professional experience, language skills and IT knowledge should not be missing. Of course, contact details are also elementary. A photo is nice, but not a must-have. To get a feel for the applicant, information on hobbies is also exciting. For more information about the resume, see the following previous blog posts:
The letter of motivation
Probably the most important part of any unsolicited application is the cover letter. The letter of motivation MUST state what you want and what you offer. At this point, at the latest, the personnel manager will notice how intensively you have dealt with the company. That is why it is important that you make a reference to the company in your letter of motivation. Write specifically why you want to work at this company and refer to facts. Also mention how you became aware of the company. Make it clear to the reader which areas in the company you are interested in and where you would like to go in the future.
In the second part, it is essential that you highlight your skills and qualifications and show the recruiter what added value you can offer the company. What position do you have in mind and what motivates you? You must answer these questions here. Do not reproduce your CV 1:1 under any circumstances, but get to the heart of what you can do. The letter of motivation must be convincing. Don't forget that the motto "brevity is the key" also applies here. We would like to refer you to our blog post "The perfect letter of motivation"
Note at the end
Batterman Consulting Basel AG also looks forward to receiving your unsolicited application. On our website you will find in the section "Jobs"Click on the "Unsolicited application" button at the top right. This will take you directly to our applicant platform.
We will be happy to include your dossier in our pool of experts and contact you as soon as we have a suitable vacancy.
Batterman Consulting Basel AG
Executive Search,
Byfangweg 1a, CH-4051 Basel
T +41 58 680 55 55