Read job references

Job reference

We show you what to look for when reading your reference and why references are important to us in recruiting.

In Switzerland and Germany, it is customary to provide employees with a reference when they leave the company. This should describe the area of responsibility, the skills and the behavior at the workplace. Employees are often faced with the question of whether their performance has been assessed fairly, as small nuances in the wording of the text can make all the difference.

We would like to shed some light on the darkness so that you can see through your job reference and possibly make requests for changes. In fact, you have the right to a fair evaluation and can request changes from your employer, as a job reference must not hinder a person's economic advancement.

Why is an employer's reference issued?
For your new employer and also for recruiters, references are important. Of course, you will never be judged solely on the basis of your references, but statements about personality or behavior can reinforce the recruiter's first impression, either positively or negatively.

For people we approach as recruiters at Batterman Consulting, we usually ask for references only after the first telephone interview, as we can then compare our first, uninfluenced impression with the description of previous employers. If any discrepancies arise during this process, a particular preconception can be substantiated or discarded during the interview as well as with the help of assessments and behavioral profile analyses.

The field of activity described by the former employer is also important, especially if experience in certain areas is considered a prerequisite.

What do you have to look out for in a job reference?
In addition to the correctness of all personal data, the duration of the employment relationship, the area of responsibility, the evaluation of your performance and behavior at the workplace, your reference should include the reason for your departure and farewell wishes. Check the fixed statements for accuracy and then deal with the variable part.

The evaluation of your performance and behavior
Pay attention to the keywords "always", "always" and "anytime", as they describe the top grade in your evaluation. However, it always depends on the combination with other words. If the employee "always made an effort", this indicates an unsatisfactory performance. A very good rating is also "completely satisfied", followed by "fully satisfied" - only "always to our satisfaction" is also a good rating, but there is still room for improvement here.

In addition to your performance, your behavior in the workplace should also be presented. On the one hand, general characteristics such as independence, proactivity and punctuality, but above all your behavior towards three groups: Customers, superiors and co-workers. Here, too, the above-mentioned keywords are used for evaluation. However, if one group is not mentioned in your reference, this may indicate that your behavior towards this group was inappropriate.

The reason for leaving and wishes for the further way
Of course, the reason for leaving must be mentioned: It may be based on your decision, economic changes or disagreements in the employment relationship. Should the former or the latter lead to termination, a positive farewell wish is formulated: The company expresses regret for your departure here, and it is often followed by a statement that it would be happy to rehire you in the future. This also represents an evaluation or recommendation for the next employer.

Who writes a job reference?
Companies with few employees, where administration, HR and finance are combined under one position and where there is little turnover, also have little experience in writing job references. Here it can be worthwhile to stand up for changes in the wording.

In companies with a large number of employees and departments, the HR department has little contact with the employee, but in the end it must complete an evaluation of performance. In some cases, this is done by interviewing the direct supervisor. In the meantime, companies often use report card software that automatically generates a continuous text from an evaluation form filled out by the supervisor. An evaluation scale with performance grades is thus reflected in the wording.

Is my job reference good?
If you have read this far, you have probably noticed: Job references are a complex subject. To understand the details and little nuances in your reference, don't hesitate to approach your employer directly. They are guaranteed to be able to explain to your why an evaluation is presented in a certain wording. Along with the HR manager, you can talk to your supervisor to understand their evaluation. Also keep in mind that in smaller companies, references are often prepared by inexperienced HR managers or the owner himself, so a certain choice of words may simply be rooted in the writer's lack of knowledge.

If you are interested in wording examples and further skills in reading and writing job references, then click here.

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