Experience story of our candidate in the recruitment process for a key position at Ronal AG. This is how the job change succeeds in this unprecedented time.
Anyone who was looking for a job shortly before the outbreak of the Corona crisis or had to fill a position as an HR manager knows the unexpected twists and turns and stumbling blocks along the way: the application process became more digital (keyword: videoconferencing), visitor stops by external persons in companies made it impossible for candidates to visit their potential new place of work, and then hiring stops were also imposed. In short, the pandemic has really shaken up the labor market.
The Batterman Consulting team was challenged to develop strategies with their clients to make recruitment successful even in the face of the unprecedented situation. This turned into a success story that inspires a sense of adventure and gives hope to have the courage to tackle something new even in these uncertain times.
Read about our candidate Tobias Baade's experience in the recruitment process with Batterman Consulting for a key position at the RONAL AG has made. The globally active company based in Härkingen (SO) is a manufacturer of wheels for passenger cars and commercial vehicles. As market leader and partner of all well-known car brands, the company sets new standards with its innovations and combines cutting-edge technology and creative design with the highest quality. Stefanie Meier, Senior Manager Human Resources at the RONAL AG, describes her side of the story and gives valuable tips to candidates who are currently in the application process. Whether it's interviewing via video conference or starting a new job in a home office, you'll want to keep these valuable tips in mind.
Mr. Baade, you applied for the position of "Business Controller" at Ronal AG in February. After several video conferences, the application process had to be stopped for a month. How did you experience this time?
"Looking back, I'm actually glad about the short interruption in the selection process. Due to my notice period, I would otherwise have had to make a decision very quickly. Especially in the uncertain times of Covid-19 and a downturn in the economy, such a change wants to be well considered and not taken lightly. In addition, the job change for me is also associated with a move to a new country and a new phase in my life. Because of this, I was glad to suddenly have a little more time for such a big, far-reaching decision due to the halted application process.
I used the time to talk to friends in Switzerland about working, to think more intensively about moving to a new country and to decide whether I really wanted to take the big step out of my comfort zone.
Tn spite of the application freeze, I continued to have an exchange with Ms. Monika Altermatt from Batterman Consulting, who openly answered any questions that arose - not only about the job, but also about Switzerland - and really stood by me as an advisor. I am very grateful for this!"
After a period of uncertainty, you received an offer from Ronal AG at the end of April, which you accepted after a period of reflection. What was your personal decision-making process like? After all, you have never seen your new employer in person and the job change is linked to a move from Germany to Switzerland for you...
"Even though I was never personally on site at the company due to Covid-19's contact restrictions and travel ban, the RONAL I made every effort to get the best possible impression of the company. For example, by including the future team colleagues and the CFO in the video calls. That certainly can't replace the on-site visit. Nevertheless, all these things helped me to get my own picture of the company.
At the same time, both RONAL and Batterman Consulting have always made it clear to me that they would not let me take this step alone, but would accompany and support me in this process. This began with the offer that I could contact them if I had any questions, as well as very specifically with the sending of the book "Living and Working in Switzerland". In addition, contact was established with a future colleague who had already taken the same step and shared his experience with me. Exactly this accompaniment and support were decisive points that lowered the hurdle and strengthened the confidence that this step was the right one for me and feasible. I am looking forward to moving to another country, to assert myself anew, to learn new things in order to develop myself further.
From June 15, you are allowed to enter Switzerland from Germany again. I have already kept the first weekend free to go on site and get a better impression of my future place of residence. I am very excited about it "
There is uncertainty among many job seekers. Your story proves that it is unusual, but entirely possible, to sign a contract for a new job during this time. What advice can you give to applicants or those who are currently in a paused application process?
"Loosely based on Reinhold Niebuhr, I am convinced that you have to learn to accept things you cannot change and concentrate your energy on the things you can change. Since I had no choice but to accept it as it was, I wanted to see this time as an opportunity and make the best possible use of it - which is in fact my recommendation to everyone.
Just because the application process is paused doesn't mean you can't continue to look into it. Especially for me, where the job is connected with a move to a new country, you can inform yourself about the situation there, the housing market. Reconnect and exchange with friends who live in the country and deal with the possible new living situation. Basically, I can only recommend applicants to trust themselves and also listen to their own feelings "
Ms. Meier, as Senior Manager Human Resources, the pandemic presented you with many challenges in your daily work. With a view to digital collaboration, what new measures have you focused on at Ronal AG?
"In the RONAL AG employees already had the option of working from home in the past. In the current situation, however, over 90% of employees work from home.
With Skype for Business or Teams, we at RONAL AG already had two great media with which communication could now also be ensured during the pandemic. A lot of meetings were held this way and, if possible, of course also with video, so that people could see each other again.
Some teams have arranged to meet regularly in this way in order to be able to guarantee the exchange outside of business as well. This was enormously appreciated. All interviews were also held via Skype or teams. "
You held promising talks with the candidate Tobias Baade and were on the verge of making a decision - and then came the hiring freeze. What can companies do to avoid losing the potential employee's motivation in this stressful situation?
"That is correct, although a general hiring freeze was not communicated. However, we did not want to make any promises to Mr. Baade that could not be kept for whatever reason. Due to the pandemic, our Finance department was also concerned and it was always very important to us to communicate this transparently and openly with Mr. Baade.
Monika Altermatt from Batterman Consulting supported us very professionally and well during this challenging time. We were in contact very often and I was also able to benefit personally from her valuable experience and certainly also thanks to this successfully complete the recruitment.
For us, open and transparent communication with Mr. Baade was always in the foreground. We were certainly able to convince Mr. Baade with this open discussion culture, coupled of course with an exciting area of responsibility and interesting offer."
Many job seekers are uncertain. As an expert, what tips can you give to applicants who have a virtual job interview ahead of them? How do you manage a job change when you have to start a new job in a home office?
"Whether you sit face-to-face or in a virtual situation does make a big difference. I have made the experience that some candidates want to market themselves incredibly well and strongly via Skype/teams because of the not-so-personal situation. Unfortunately, this is not always very authentic and often comes across as arrogant or overbearing. This is definitely a big challenge for the candidates to behave authentically and genuinely despite this partly new situation. In my opinion, it is much easier to do this in a face-to-face meeting than via video conference. For me, it's enormously important that I get an honest picture of the person.
A new colleague also started in my team during Covid-19. Here it is enormously important to ensure good communication. Despite the "distance" to build a personal relationship and thus create trust. Here I recommend daily, short calls to pick up the feeling of the new person. But also to create an open communication basis in general, where you can also discuss less positive things or critical topics. I think this is very important and valuable, especially during the orientation period. But here, too, we have been able to gather a lot of positive experience and have only had positive experiences.
We would like to thank Mr. Baade and Ms. Meier for their contribution to this article. These interviews were conducted in writing and by telephone.
Editor: Neslihan Steiner
Batterman Consulting Basel AG
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