Succession planning is a major challenge for many companies.
Whether a sole proprietorship, SME, family business, public limited company or limited liability company: company succession needs to be well planned. Batterman Consulting is your experienced partner for succession solutions. Our aim is to set you and your company up for the future so that you can realize your visions. Be it succession planning, the appointment of a new CEO or the search for members of the executive board.
Whether the transfer takes place internally to a family member, to a trusted person within the company or to an external buyer: we advise and support you in a family buy-out (FBO) as well as a management buy-out (MBO) or management buy-in (MBI). A smooth process is essential to ensure the long-term success of the company. Good planning and a clear strategy are priorities here, but the interpersonal components should not be underestimated either.
Are you an entrepreneur and is your company facing a generational change?
We recommend that you think about the topic of succession at an early stage - long before the time actually comes. The topic of succession is particularly important for family businesses and SMEs, as life's work is often associated with considerable emotion. The right management team is crucial to the success of your company. The interaction between the strategic direction from the board of directors and the operational implementation by the management plays an important role. Ideally, the two complement each other and take the company forward.
A change in key positions or a company sale can represent both a strategic opportunity and a threat. For this reason, early, continuous and intensive planning and a tailored approach are essential if the company's success is to be ensured.
We support you in the company succession process and ensure that the interests and objectives of all stakeholders are taken into account. Stakeholders include the current owner, the successor, the management, the board of directors, the owners/shareholders and, in the case of family businesses, the family.
Would you like to sell your company and do you need a succession plan? We will be happy to take care of your succession plan.
Batterman Consulting Basel AG
Executive Search,
Byfangweg 1a, CH-4051 Basel
T +41 58 680 55 55