The 4 most important megatrends for companies in 2022


The megatrends of the coming years are coming at us like avalanches in slow motion. They will turn entire industries upside down and influence all areas of life. They last for several decades, unlike trends that only have an impact for a few years. Each megatrend has a formative influence on our society and the economy, and companies in particular should respond to them and adapt their strategies accordingly.

UpdateFor the year 2023, we have again looked at the megatrends. Even though megatrends generally concern us in the long term, the orientation towards the East has weakened as a result of Corona, the supply chain crisis and the Ukraine war. On the other hand, other trends are more in focus. You will find an overview in our new Article for 2023 here

4 megatrends will be particularly important for companies in the near future. We have summarized these for you here.

The digital future

The digital transformation is in full swing. New technologies are now influencing all areas of social and economic life. They are changing the way we inform ourselves, how we communicate, how we consume and how we live. Any information can be accessed anytime, anywhere. This rapid progress offers fundamental advantages for companies. By quickly grasping global markets, they can better tailor products to customer needs and constantly adapt and optimize business models.

But companies that use data not only for marketing purposes but also for internal processes will emerge from the pandemic even stronger. It is essential to know which internal processes would be worth digitizing and, above all, which data is required in which quality in order to be able to realize digitization. The necessary data is usually already available, but the necessary know-how, time or technology to make use of the data is often lacking.

In addition to benefits, increasing digitization also brings some challenges, especially in the area of data protection. Companies often find it difficult to cope with the flood of information and its processing. They have large amounts of data, but their protection is not always fully guaranteed. There are still many points of attack, which is why companies should protect themselves against hacker attacks through professional risk management.


We live in a network in which everyone is connected to everyone and everything, always and everywhere. This network society fundamentally changes the conditions for entrepreneurial success and demands new competencies from companies as well as individuals. Aspects such as basic human needs as well as cultural and social aspects are becoming increasingly relevant for business models and for the design of products and services. To fully exploit the potential of this megatrend, companies need a good understanding of digital transformation.

Companies and employees can benefit from this megatrend in various ways. For example, employees can work on projects from any location using cloud-based solutions and choose their place of residence independently of the company's location. At the same time, digital connectivity can reduce a company's process costs and thus increase efficiency.

Orientation east

Another megatrend for 2022 is the eastern orientation of the global economy. Asia, primarily China, will move even more into focus. In the coming years, enormous economic growth is forecast for China, India and the Middle East. Consequently, there will be an increase in global trade, and likewise the purchasing power of the global middle class will rise. This development has been influenced, among other things, by the shift in education funding. Originally, Japan, the UK, Germany and the US were the leading promoters of education and research. In the future, China will overtake the largest funders.


Purchasing decisions, action ethics or corporate strategies: The neo-economy megatrend is establishing new values that reach into every area of our everyday lives. Environmental awareness and sustainability are increasingly evolving from an individual lifestyle to a social movement and a major economic factor. No other megatrend triggers such heated debates as the issue of sustainable consumption, resource conservation and energy supply.

The neo-ecology of the future is geared toward the new way of consuming. It is becoming increasingly clear that the economy is undergoing a fundamental transformation: Instead of growth and profit maximization, tomorrow's economy will focus on the intelligent and sustainable use of resources and on the comprehensive common good.

Resource scarcity also plays an important role in this trend. In the coming years, a worldwide population growth is predicted which will intensify the competition for limited resources such as oil, gas and water. Above all, water scarcity plays a decisive role here. This not only has a serious impact on the food industry and on energy procurement, but also affects the daily lives of many people. Companies are increasingly responding to this change by optimizing their supply chains and expanding their risk management.

The conclusion: companies must act. These megatrends and many others will influence our world even more in the future than they already do. They will not only permeate the private sphere, but also increasingly the global economy. Only if companies prepare for this and identify the risks can they successfully master the associated challenges.

Is your company currently undergoing a change brought about by a megatrend or would you like advice on a new strategy? Then we will be happy to assist you. Simply contact one of our consultants and let us advise you. We look forward to hearing from you.

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